Monday, April 20, 2009

Carrots? What?

It's been a monumental day--Eli ate carrot baby food! I've been trying to get him to eat baby food for awhile now with no luck, but today he was finally hungry enough (or bored enough) to try it and really ate it! He got to gnaw on a biter biscuit afterwards, too and was pretty happy about that! I am so proud of him! We'll get there yet!
Noah is still pooping his pull-up, though. :( One kid at a time! He pees in the potty every time, but can't seem to catch himself before he has to poop! We'll keep trying, but Mommy is not cleaning out anymore undies for now, so pull-ups it is until we improve!
More icky rainy weather here today, but it was a lazy Monday anyway. Mommy did laundry and finally managed to get it all folded (although it has yet to be put away!) Eli played with lots of baby toys today and is really moving around everywhere now, too. Noah managed to trash the play room by noon and did NOT like Mommy making him clean up some of it before he could watch "Cars" for the 10,000th time. :)
Tomorrow we will be going to the library for more books or the park to play if it's not raining!

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